- About town
- 7 wonders of the town
7 wonders of the town
These are the seven wonders of the town according to its visitors and citizens:

The Roman-Catholic Parish Church of the Virgin Mary′s Assumption
The church belongs to the most valuable monuments in the town. It is exceptional thanks to the highest church tower in Slovakia with a height of 87 m. It is also remarkable for its seven clock faces run by a single clock mechanism. In the interior there are several precious jewels such as reliquary in the shape of a cross from the 1st half of the 14th century, a Crucifiction Statuary made by Master Pavol of Levoča, a bronze baptistery and bell made by Master Konrád, the founder of the first Gothic bell-foundry workshop in 1357.
More about the Roman-Catholic Parish Church
The longest fusiform square in Europe
A characteristic feature of Spišská Nová Ves is the fusiform or lenticular square, which is one of the most beautiful squares in Slovakia and the longest of this type in Europe.
More about the longest fusiform square
The Art Nouveau Reduta building
The Reduta is an Art Nouveau building built within the years 1899 - 1902 with four turrets. This romantic looking building is characterized by a swan sitting on a lyre, indicating where in the building the theatre is located. The Reduta nowadays houses the Spiš Theatre, Sonáta restaurant with a café, the Town Cultural Centre, and local TV Reduta. Until today, there are only 8 similar historically valuable theatre buildings.
More about Reduta
The Provincial house with so-called Levoča´s Gate
The building used to be the town hall from the middle ages until 1777, when the Province of XVI Spiš Towns bought it from the town and seated the administrative authorities of the province. The most interesting part of the building is the front facade with the so-called Levoča´s Gate leading to Levočská street. Rococo stucco decorations of the Provincial House with six cartouches symbolically express the virtues that town or province officials had to have. At present, there is the Spiš Museum in the building with its exposures.
More about the Provincial house
The Town Hall
The building was constructed in the years 1777 -1779 in the center of the square. The most remarkable room is the ceremonial hall located in the middle of the building extending over two floors. The town hall is the seat of the Mayor and some of the organizational units of the municipality.
More about the Town Hall
Spiš fair
Spiš fair full of entertainment has been held in Spišská Nová Ves during a four day weekend for over half a century. It has large attendances of visitors from the all over Slovakia as well as from abroad. In addition to a wide variety of purchasing possibilities in hundreds of stands, the event offers rich cultural and entertainment program lasting until the early morning hours and many attractions for adults and children. Simultaneously, the famous Spišské výstavné trhy Fair (Spiš Exhibition and Trade Fair) is organized.
More about Spiš fair
The mosaic in the Greek-Catholic Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord
The church is also the only church in Slovakia, the sacred decorations of which consist of a modern impressive mosaic according to the school of Father Mark Rupnik from Centro Aletti in Rome. His work can be admired in Lourdes, Fatima or the Vatican city. The author of the mosaic from natural materials in Spišská Nová Ves, which is placed in the altar part and chorus, is Father Kamil Dráb. It was consecrated in 2009.
More about the Greek-Catholic Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord