
Children´s ferrata

Do you like spending free time with your children in nature? Do you like to move? Aren´t you afraid of heights? Children´s ferrata in the Slovak paradise is the right place for you and your children.

Children´s ferrata, known as a little ferrata in Čingov, was open in 2019. It is a "younger sister" of Kyseľ ferrata of the Mountain Rescue Service in Kyseľ gorge.
Children´s ferrata is 77 meters long and leads to two caves. It is for 6 years old children accompanied by an adult. Adults can try it as well.
It is available from March 1 to October 31. Ferrata set and equipment is mandatory (hard hat, shock absorber, climbing harness), can be borrowed in tourist centre in Čingov.
See the RTVS reportage (children´s ferrata from 18:31 min.) to get more information about it TELEVÍKEND